24266 Calle Aragon, Laguna Woods, CA 92637
(949) 206-0150

History of the Cortese Crest

Your Place in Local History


“Two sturdy pillars of silver guarding a field of blue” were decreed in the year 1619 to become the symbol of the Cortese family, recognized as nobles of the City of Ravello, City of Sorento, City of Catanzaro and owners of feudal estates in the Calabria region of Italy.

Members of the ancient family of Neopolitan origin devoted themselves to maintaining a high standard and prestige for the family name.  Among them, special tribute was paid to Giovanni Battista (John Baptist) Cortese, Native of Bologna who taught mathematics and physics at the University of Messine in 1554;  to Alessandro (Alex) Cortese who distinguished himself for his bravery during the siege of Salemo in 1648 and to Giacomo (James) who embraced the Catholic Faith reaching the highest rank of the clergy.

Today, the family crest set in mosaic atop the main clubhouse of Leisure World, Laguna Hills, carries on its tradition of representing prestige, high standards and family devotion.

(Research completed by the “Center of Heraldic Genealogic Research” in Firenze, Italy by Borgo S. Croce, associated with the International Institute of Heraldic and Genealogic Research.)