Village Breeze | February/March 2020

Your Place in Local History

Village Breeze | February/March 2020

Read the entire Laguna Woods Village Breeze  February/March 2020 PDF.

One Response

  1. I have offered to contribute a series of articles on the history of Leisure World Mesa for their 50th anniversary, which is next year.
    In preparation, I have begun the task by researching what the other Cortese L.W.’s have done historically. Your approach has been the most sophisticated. I particularly envy your forethought in creating a History Club (now incorporated) so many years ago and accumulating archives to go with it.
    Is it possible to obtain a copy of your Laguna Woods @ 50 years 1964-2014 book, and access to the historical articles that were written for your 50th?
    Much appreciated.
    Robert Lampard

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