24266 Calle Aragon, Laguna Woods, CA 92637
(949) 206-0150

Category: History

LWHC Once Upon Laguna Woods

Once Upon Laguna Woods by Dean O. Dixon is the story of what happened here before Leisure World. You’ll learn about the history of the area for over 400 years. This project mentions specific regions in the area you will want to visit and explore. You can download your own copy free and share it with…
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Acjachemen presentation by Kathleen Adelia Sandoval

Notes taken by Dean Dixon regarding Acjachemen presentation by Kathleen Adelia Sandoval Adelia Sandoval is the Spiritual Overseer (Púul) and Cultural Director for the Juaneño Band of Mission Indians / Acjachemen Nation. Adelia shares her Acjachemen Culture through art, writing, storytelling and singing. She is a Ceremonial Leader, Song Keeper, Wisdom Holder, Tribal teacher and…
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Timeline for Creation of Laguna Woods

Please download the Timeline for Creation of Laguna Woods PDF or view it below. Timeline for Creation of Laguna Woods_03252022                            

The Story Behind the Laguna Woods Surge Tower

Surge Tower 052119

The Story of the Leisure World Globe

The Story of the Leisure World Globe 1962 – Ross Cortese, the visionary developer of Leisure World, announced the Seal Beach Leisure World Globe after the publication of a newspaper article including an architect’s rendering of the then-proposed 120-foot diameter stainless steel Unisphere, the official symbol of the 1964-65 New York World’s Fair in Flushing…
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A History of the Daguerre Family

You may be familiar with the history of the Moulton Ranch in Orange County, California. This ranch was the combination of the former Mexican land grant of 13,316 acres called Rancho Niguel plus several other properties to form 21,723 acres, under the ownership of LF Moulton and Co. Much has been written (and is still…
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GRF Volunteer Luncheon

Thank You to all of our LWHC Volunteers – some of whom are pictured at the GRF Volunteer Luncheon on December 2, 2016. Additional thank you to GRF for hosting such a lovely event!

April 2016 Journal

We hope you enjoy the April 2016 edition of The Historian!