Village Breeze | Nov./Dec. 2023
The November/December 2023 Village Breeze Is Here!
Even as days shorten and temperatures cool, we can still enjoy an iconic Southern California scene—a beach sunset, as depicted on the November/December Village Breeze cover. Inside this issue you will:
- Glimpse more great photography
- Take part in a new photo contest
- Meet your neighbors whose lives have been enriched by Village clubs
- Learn about the typical changes that come with age and when to seek help
- Find out how to safeguard against spam and unwanted email
- Glean tips on how to increase your smartphone’s IQ
- Check out a new Resident Services kiosk system that can expedite check-in
- Explore the ongoing Recreation classes the Village has to offer
- Get the latest news from your boards of directors and a behind-the-scenes look at Village departments.
Where to Find the Village Breeze
The Village Breeze is delivered to every manor via the United States Postal Service’s Every Door Direct program. However, if delivery misses its mark at your door, you can find copies available throughout the Village:
- Clubhouse 1 fitness center
- Clubhouse 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 offices
- Community Center: Concierge desk, fitness center, Recreation office
- Equestrian Center office
- Garden Center 2 office
- Golf pro shop, par 3 office
- Tennis clubhouse
- Village Library
- Resident Services
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